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All posts ofws-admin

Heavy Duty – SEVERT robot welding machine for welding of large components

This new plant was initially designed for our own production. The welding system for large components consists of two workstations. Each of these stations is equipped with a turning and reversing positioner, which enables flexible positioning of the welded components via three axes. These can each be used to move components weighing up to 45 […]

Severt retrofits

In order to further optimize our energy balance, we have replaced about 450 fluorescent tubes with energy-efficient LED ceiling lighting. Our journeyman Marius, who has taken over this job, now performs the operations in his sleep, as he told us. Compared with the energy consumption of conventional lighting, the conversion has saved us around 11,500 […]

Wilhelm Severt GmbH awarded as ABB Value Provider

After more than 25 years of close cooperation we have now been awarded as Value Provider (System Integrator) at ABB in Milan/Italy. For more than 25 years, Severt has successfully integrated ABB industrial robots and system components into its own robot systems as well as into customer systems. At this event, the next steps were […]